Thanks for all the compliments ivanmcp.

Just for future reference, there is a "search thread" feature. It's at the bottom of every thread here.
Well to pull the contents of the post as well, here's what you would need to do... Open your myvbindex.php file and look for:
PHP Code:
$lastposttime = vbdate("$timeformat",$thread['lastpost']);
Right Above that Add:
*Edit* The codes got messed up since there were so many vB code's in there, so I'm attaching it in a text file for you.
(I just borrowed the str_replace options from tubedogg's hack.

) Then at the very top part of that code you'll see $maxpostchars='50'. You would just change 50 to however many characters of the post you want it to display before it replaces the rest with "...". Then you would just add $pagetext in your index_threadbit template wherever you would like to display the text. It should be pretty easy, but if you have any problems let me know.