If you don't mind having an additional query on the page for each thread you have displayed then I can tell you how you could do it that way, but I wouldn't recommend it.
I would not mind seeing what is involved. But if you have no time, I think I can bring Tubedoq's script in there somewhere. I am not worried about additional queries, as I am not including many of the boxes on my test page of mYvBindex. I only use Calendar, Poll, Weather, News and Latest Forum Topics boxes.
For some reason, I preffer myvbindex to the other alternatives. If I can create my vision using mYvBindex, I will have to reward your effort that you put into this thing. Man, looking through this thread, you never get tired of constant 'technical support'. I wish I knew the way to search through this thread alone, and not the whole board, as it is getting far too long now. You need forum of your own

Enough of praise, off to play with templates. Once finished, I'll invite you to have a look.