General guidelines when you get errors after installing a hack.
1. Read the hack thread. ALL of the thread. If other people have the same error, see if a solution is posted. If none is posted, remove the hack if you don't know how to code well enough to fix the problem. If the hack is new and nobody has posted that specific problem before, post it in the hack thread. Somebody might be able to get it fixed. If the hack is old and nobody has posted the problem, see number 2.
2. If a hack has been around for a while, and you don't see your particular problem in the hack thread, chances are you messed up on the install. You can either track the error and fix your specific problem if you know how to code, or you can uninstall and try to install again.
3. If you don't know how to code, and the hack is a big one, and you keep having problems with it, get somebody else to install it for you. There is a service request forum where you can pay somebody to do the work. Until you learn how to code, only install smaller hacks on your own. Get used to following directions and get used to problems that might arise BEFORE you try the harder hacks.