I can verify threadid, but actually verifying people is a whole different issue. One problem arrises, say the person selling the item never shipped it, and thus the buyer gave them bad ratings... If I made it so the seller entered a field with the persons name, the seller might choose not to do it (or even might forget to do it). Another scenario is members who deal but through PMs and not an actual formal thread...
That's why I'm starting to think it might be better to just create the full blown auction / classifieds rather than keep doctoring up just the current ratings...
On my forum I really don't have a problem with members abusing it, they all are pretty honest.
Another idea would be if a member abuses it, set an option in their profile so that they can't rate (or be rated)... would that be a possible solution you think?
Today at 08:38 AM 7thgenCivic.Com said this in Post #52
what I would like to see is, u have to put a valid thread or post id for the rating of the transaction and verify that the user was part of the transaction. Maybe include something in the post for the seller that they click on a button to say this is the buyer. then ur script could verify against it.
Reason being, ppl are getting rated for stuff that never happened and putting bad remarks. Abusing it more or less.