sjau - By de/activating the features shown in the Admin CP, are you saying you would like to remove some of them? And yes, the file can be placed in any folder you would like.
Mythril - If you'll refer to
this post, it will show you how to add one seperate page in place of the news. Then if you'll look at the instructions I posted
here to Matrix, that will tell you what you would need to do to add more than one seperate page if needed.
Heffe2000 - If you followed the instructions in that post then you shouldn't have any problems. I would recomend undoing the changes you made and make sure it was done correctly. Or if you want to upgrade to v3.2 of the hack this is already included. You will have to change the place of some of the variables since it shows the last poster and time when you hold the mouse over the thread, but it would just be modifying some HTML in the template.