Yesterday at 09:46 PM Jakor Sevel said this in Post #993
Just to let you guys know, at the end of Paladin when you beat the final boss there's nudity. Two naked angels come down and take you to heaven where you tackle another naked angel, roflmao. It's pretty funny, and it's not like hentai or anything, lol. I found this out today when I finally beat him, anywayz...just so you guys can put a warning so a youngster at your site doesn't get in trouble from his parents and then complain, lol.
nice to know that someone is actully using a game that i released

anyway, i havent managed to beat the hole game myself (yet) so i have a question for you i have been woundering about (after the release) was you able to save you're score after you finniched the hole game?