Just a little progress update, since I couldn't sleep tonight I worked some more adding in the features that some of you suggested.
Things I have added (this will be v1.1 when I post it):
1. Pagination - It defaults to the user's / forum's default page length if you don't specify a number, otherwise it is whatever you want it to be. (This really only involved taking like 5 lines of code from showthread.php, no reason to reinvent the wheel).
2. Submitting a URL - I checked out how CJi did it on his forum, and since I really didn't want to add an extra column in the popup window, I made it if they entered a URL it would make the comment text hyperlinked, otherwise it displays as normal. However this can be changed up with minimal editing.
3. User Definable Stuff - Just set some variables at the top of the usertrade.php so that you can set various things to your liking.
4. Changed the [delete] link to just a [X] in smallfont, and also made the username in smallfont to match the rest of the displayed info in the popup box.
Things left to do - Email Notification & Rebuttle Box.
Unfortunatly I haven't upgraded to vB 2.3.0 yet, and I know they changed up the email function some from the changelog, so I need to glance over the stuff to make sure it is compatible across various versions.
I'll post the updated version (I guess we shall call it v1.1) tomorrow afternoon when I get home from work. It seems to be running all smooth on my forum but I want to glance over the code one last time when I'm actually conscience and clean it up a bit.
Most of the changes were in the usertrade.php file, I think you will have to change only 1 or 2 templates and that is all to make the upgrade.