Yesterday at 08:33 PM KuraFire said this in Post #75
212rikanmofo, please learn the basics of HTML before you go hack up your site, next time you have a problem.
<img> tags need an src= attribute. You didn't put one in...
well i followed what you told me to put, sigh... yours didnt include a src in it... sorry if i didnt get things the 1st time off the bat, nobody is perfect okay... maybe you could of explained a lil more closely then instead of saying what you said... show me, dont criticise me... thats what helping is all about...
so i do this?
PHP Code:
if($bbuserinfo['userid'] != 0) {
$reg_ucp = "<a href=\"http://www.rese.com/forums/usercp.php?s=$session[sessionhash]\">".
"<img src=\"http://www.rese.com/forums/images/usercp.gif\" ".
" onmouseover=\"changeImages('image2', 'image2on')\" onmouseout=\"changeImages('image2', 'image2off')\" ".
" name=\"image2\" ".
"alt=\"Here you can view your subscribed threads, work with private messages and edit your profile and preferences\" border=\"0\"></a>";
that still doesnt work, please help me...