The slot game is open source so anything is possible, i must only find out to modify it on the right place. Slot games are nice but as you can imagine the fla's are rare on the web, almost impossible to find. The only reasonable option is to learn flash tutorials and then make them yourself. A little help is ASV (action script viewer) wich strip the whole swf on layers to show what is where in the original. Hard to see though and you can not replace or modify, just rebuilding from scratch.
In flash there is the Loadmovie command. If you have swf 1 (part with the highscore submit button) you can load swf 2 (the game)on level 1. Now...if you load a game and it's scorevariable is known, can you use the arcadescript to use the highscore by submit it with a button in the movie on the 0 level?