This is a bit of a weird thing. When users submit their comment, when the page refreshes, the input box is gone so they have to reopen the chat to post another comment.
I'm sure I must jsut have missed some code, but I can't find it. If anyone would be so kind to take a look, I'd appreciate it
username: test
password: test
Edit: Okay, here's the problem. I have it so that it shows minimized on my main page, and then when you click on the link it opens the chatbox in a new window.
For some people the chat is maximized on the main page and works fine. But if you close it, then click on the link again it opens the new window and that's where the problem is.
If that made any sense...
Edit Again:
The plot thickens. I believe I have something wrong in my popup code, because if you just type in domain/chatbox.php in the browser window it works fine.
This is what I have for the link to the popup:
<a href="javascript
:"; onclick="'chatbox.php','chat','status= 0,directories=0,toolbar=0,location=0,menuBar=0,scr ollbars=0,resizable=0,width=650,height=130,left=10 0,top=100');">