04-24-03 at 01:06 AM Tigga said this in Post #40
Well I can tell you where the problem is coming from... After you perform a search, if you hold your mouse over the thread, you'll see it's linking to something like:
The " marks in the url seem to be what's causing the problem. When you click on the thread it replaces the " marks with %2B in your browsers url. If you remove the %2B from the url then it seems to work as it should. Not sure how to fix it yet, but hopefully that gives traekwon a little more insight as to what the problem is. 
I also just noticed another strange problem that seems to be coming from the %2B being in the url... After I performed the search and went to one of the threads, a smilie image there had border="0" alt=""> after the image. When I viewed the source there it has this for the html code...
to solve this problem i have made this modification
after this line in the search.php
i add this line