That's a GREAT Idea, miSt, but I CANNOT, for the LIFE of me, figure out how to get the font that your name is in your avatar....
Also, I don't get what u mean about using Arial or Veradna... It's still an image. Or do you mean that I make a seperate cell for the links?
Anyway, if you could help me with the font thing, I'd add that in, but I've added some stuff, made it a little more "active"
Also, there's a blank blue area above the "Forums" in the upper left, and I can't decide to do something like the 0's and 1's, another images, some spikes, lines, etc... but I do think it should be filled in with something bland and "background-ish"
Here's the newer version (That still needs 1's and 0's in the impossible-for-me-to-find pixel font)
Also, as a .gif, the gradient is kinda wierd, but that allows for transparency... should I scrap transparent in favor of nicer-looking gradient?