Today at 06:44 AM Erwin said this in Post #104
I have exactly the same line in mine, and it works. I just checked. I have no idea what the problem could be. Post 10 lines before and 10 lines after.
I'm sure it's something simple I'm just not getting through my thich head at 7AM saturday morning, lol:
PHP Code:
// search thread - Erwin
if (!$threadid) {
// check for existing query:
if ($getsearch=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT searchid FROM search WHERE showposts='".$showposts)."' AND query='".$wheresql)."' AND postids='".$goodpostlist)."' AND querystring='".$masterquery)."'") {
$DB_site->query("UPDATE search SET dateline=".time().", userid=$bbuserinfo[userid], ipaddress='".$ipaddress)."', threadid=$threadid WHERE searchid=$getsearch[searchid]");
} else {
// insert query into db
$DB_site->query("INSERT INTO search (searchid,query,postids,dateline,querystring,showposts,userid,ipaddress,threadid) VALUES (NULL,'".$wheresql)."','".$goodpostlist)."',".time().",'".$masterquery)."','".$showposts)."',$bbuserinfo[userid],'".$ipaddress)."',$threadid)");
// search thread - Erwin