Today at 07:30 AM Xenon said this in Post #125
Boofo: yes, because the forum and the thread tables have to be updated, it will add queries 
so make sure they're just called if you've done an admin edit
It will only add 2 queries, right?
And where do I need to put them to only do it after an Admin edit? Right now I have them below:
PHP Code:
//Admin Edit Hack
if ($bbuserinfo[usergroupid] == 6) {
$adminsql .= "ipaddress='".addslashes($ipadd)."',dateline='$datetime',editable='$editable',userid='$userid',threadid='$pthreadid',";
$DB_site->query("UPDATE post SET " . $adminsql . "title='".addslashes(htmlspecialchars($title))."',pagetext='".addslashes($message)."',allowsmilie='$allowsmilie',showsignature='$signature',showimage='$showimage',iconid='$iconid'$editedbysql$attachmentsql WHERE postid='$postid'");