Today at 01:22 AM Nintel said this in Post #1520
I need some help. I get this error:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: getlevel() in /hsphere/local/home/side5411/forums.nintel.com/forums/admin/functions.php on line 383
and the coding around line 183 is:
// ###################### Start getforuminfo #######################
function getforuminfo (&$forumid) {
global $DB_site;
global $forumcache;
$forumid = intval($forumid);
if (!isset($forumcache[$forumid])) {
$forumcache[$forumid]=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT * FROM forum WHERE forumid='$forumid'");
return $forumcache[$forumid];
What's wrong?
Well if the error is in functions.php on line
383 then why are you showing us the coding around line
183 ? I think we could help you better if we saw line
383. That part should say it is part of this hack. and will probally look something like this:
PHP Code:
$level = getlevel($post[xp], $post[exprate], 1);
or at least it should.