I installed it on my board...
But... I tried using it in a post. I have html turned on in my posts... but it doesn't work.
Is this only usable when you put it in your templates? If so... is it possible you could throw some code together to enable it in posts as well?
Cause if it will work in posts I can easily make custom VB tags for my board using Usergroup names.
[moderators]Mods Only![/moderators]
Or it would be possible to make a VB tag that would show to multiple groups at a time. By making a custom VB tag like...
< ugid1 >< ugid2 >< ugid3 >{ param }< ugid3 >< ugid2>< ugid1 >
Which could be = [ elite ] Visable to Admins, Super Mods, & Mods[ /elite ]
This hack could have many useful possabilities if it was able to be used in posts.
I hope it isn't very hard. I have been waiting for a hack like this for over a year now.