04-20-03 at 09:38 PM Moreliator said this in Post #1505
Hey Bitsy,
We actually fixed it.... if you want the code we replaced in itemadmin.php just let me know, my AIM name is 'Moreliator'
If your getting the new version out soon, here is another thing you may want to fix: in GIVING gil, you can give letters. For donations, it won't let you, but if you arfe an admin/mod and you decide to give gil to a user, you can type in text like "egg" and it will screw up their financial account, heh. Just thought I'd let you know, although its not too much of a problem.
Once again, if you want that fix just let me know over AIM... may save you some time.
Keep up the good work. I'm goign to be opening battling on my server pretty soon... I'll let you know when its ready so you can take a look at how I implemented your hack on my site.
I didn't do validation checks for mod/admin features because I figured they would know what they were doing, hence why you can enter words for gil.
04-20-03 at 10:19 PM Airs said this in Post #1506
The battling thins doesn't work when a peron has ' in their username.. it screws up and doesn't let the user do anything. and sends a load of error mails to the admin (me)
Thanks, will be fixed in the next version.
04-21-03 at 09:28 AM Sonikku said this in Post #1507
I too found a bug. When I go to add hp, it won't add. For example I have 144hp and I want it to go up to 199. I have to add 55hp to get to 199, right? Well, I try adding the 55hp but it stays at 144. =/
Do you understand what I mean? I sound confusing. ^^;
Does it add and stay for a little while but change when the user updates his/her stats? If so, then this is the way it is supposed to work. You cannot manually change the stats and expect them to stay. The updater overrides manual changes.
Yesterday at 03:47 PM Moreliator said this in Post #1512
Well bitsy,
I gave it a go and allowed battling on my forums for one night, just to see how many glitches would arise.
A major glitch began to occur with some members' records. One had only participated in 5 battles. It showed his record as 25 wins though, and it showed that he only participated in 5!! He also obtained about 400 gil. this all happened after he pressed the "send reply" button to confirm a victory over another member.
Other members have a higher number of losses than they have even played.
I'm not sure if this helps you any. Do you have any suggestions for me to try out?
Stats and stuff seems fine. Only a couple members out of the hundreds playing had this problem.
Another very recent error is with One Hit KOs...kinda... Users reportedly get into a battle. The first person misses, then the second person selects fists. The refresh page shows the opponent dead.... but when it posts the battle results it never shows what move the guy did to kill the opponenet in one hit... its really odd.
EDIT: Alright, a little more info on the problem. I reset battle statistics and opened battling again. Everything went well, until it hit one of our members again. Here is how it happens:
The user is battling. In all of our cases he has been the challenger, going second, but this may not make a difference. When he refreshes the page, he experiences an error:
He then refreshed, and when the page reloaded, his opponent had lost ALL of his HP. In the battle reports, it has his oppoenent dying for no reason at all... Could this be a problem from overload of the database? Immediately after this his battle stats go wild. He has like 74 wins even though his "total battles" column only reads like 5.
Can you send me a copy of the e-mail that was sent to Tech Support when the user got the database error?
Yesterday at 06:54 PM soccerclue said this in Post #1513
Ok forget my previous post..i have found the error. However, i have a slight error in UserCP >> Edit Profile page. There are duplicate RPG Name fields in it. Can someone tell me which part should I fix? Is it in template and which one?
Go to your memberprofile template located under the User Options heading. Look for the two duplicate RPG Name blocks of HTML code and delete the one at the top.
Today at 06:54 AM Airs said this in Post #1514
Biiiggg Error... On my forums a user got hacked and the hacker kept creating battles and stealing another users money.. from making challenges himself.
How am I supposed to prevent a user from getting hacked?