Today at 03:28 PM Sonikku said this in Post #1507
I too found a bug. When I go to add hp, it won't add. For example I have 144hp and I want it to go up to 199. I have to add 55hp to get to 199, right? Well, I try adding the 55hp but it stays at 144. =/
Do you understand what I mean? I sound confusing. ^^;
Are you talking about the link in the postbit? If so, my understanding is this option is for refilling health like after a battle. Say the person comes out of battle and has 100 HP out of 144HP, then instead of going to the healer and paying to restore the health you can give him/her 44HP and refill them. I don't think it was designed to raise max levels. I may be wrong but this is my understanding of it and how it works on my board.