Today at 03:34 AM Boofo said this in Post #19
Yes, I did. When I do it that way, I get some strange db error about a lastpost or something and all of the text on the page suddenly goes to smallfont. Wierd.
Do you have anything else installed in your admin CP? I can't think why its doing that.

I'll look into it more
Today at 03:31 AM Kriek said this in Post #18
PHP Code:
$db = mysql_connect($db_host, $db_usr, $db_pwd) or die (mysql_error());
mysql_select_db($tdb, $db) or die (mysql_error());
mysql_error() will give a more specific error to work with; definitely a life saver for me. Hope this helps.
Thanks Kriek !!
Today at 06:42 AM Sanjiyan said this in Post #21
Installed just fine, but how do I shorted the MB feedback?
At the moment it looks like this:
Database Stats borg (Using 1.0523281097412 MB of space)
How do I get it to go to: 1.23 MB
I will look into it