Ok, here's the changes you would make to your myvbindex.php instead...
Near the top of the file, look for:
Change that to
Then look for:
Replace that with:
votenum,votetotal,articlesource as sourcetitle,articlesourceurl as sourceurl,postid,pagetext
Then look for:
eval("\$newsbits .= \"".gettemplate('index_newsbits')."\";");
Right Above that Add:
PHP Code:
$articlesource = '';
$articlesourceurl = '';
if ( !empty( $news['sourceurl'] ) )
$articlesourceurl = ' href="' . $news['sourceurl'] . '" target="_blank"';
if ( !empty( $news['sourcetitle'] ) )
eval( '$articlesource = "' . gettemplate( 'home_articlesource' ) . '";' );
Then you would follow the rest of the steps in Teck's install file, except you would add $articlesource wherever you would like that to appear in your index_newsbits template instead. That should be it.