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Old 04-21-2003, 01:07 AM
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Bitsys Bitsys is offline
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04-16-03 at 09:47 AM Rusty_Boi said this in Post #1489
i am getting this problem also..

well.. more or less... i fixed the dupilication thing. but when i choose Alignment or class... i get a "error on page" error. anyone have any ideas?
When you double-click the yellow exclamation point icon, what does the message box say the error is? Are you sure you didn't delete the javascript code at the top of the memberprofile template?

04-17-03 at 07:33 AM PixelFx said this in Post #1491
Not sure if anyone has had this, but when I try to donate to another member with out anonamyous setting set, I get the following error.

server info:
PHP Version 4.3.1
Mysql: Client API version 4.0.12
Linux Redhat 7.3

Database error in vBulletin 2.3.0:

Invalid SQL: SELECT field5 FROM userfield WHERE userid=
mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax.  Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1

mysql error number: 1064

Date: Thursday 17th of April 2003 12:10:44 AM
in battlefight.php, find:
PHP Code:
That is a known bug.  For an explanationsee [url][/url]

[QUOTE][i]04-17-03 at 07:01 PM [b]Jagang [/b]said this in [url=]Post #1495 [/url][/i]
[B]In the [b]Battle[/btablethe field [b]battlekey[/bis blank even though I set a password. If it helps I am running MySQL 3.23.41 [/B][/QUOTE]

$battleopt[privacy] != && $battle[battlekey] != $battlekey) {

and change it to:
PHP Code:
/*If($battleopt[privacy] != 0 && $battle[battlekey] != $battlekey) {

That will temporarily fix the problem by disabling the password check. This means that battles will be open to everyone.

04-18-03 at 12:57 PM Moreliator said this in Post #1496
I think I may have found a slight mistake in thh souce code in member.php for the stat updater

      if ($hpmulti > 7.5)
        $hpmulti = 3;
      if ($hpmulti > 2.5)
        $hpmulti = 1.5;
      if ($hpmulti < 1)
        $hpmulti = 1;
I think the last two need "else" statements:

      if ($hpmulti > 7.5)
        $hpmulti = 3;
      elseif ($hpmulti > 2.5)
        $hpmulti = 1.5;
      elseif ($hpmulti < 1)
        $hpmulti = 1;
The elseif probably isn't NECISARY on the last one.

ALSO, I seem to be having a problem with the item types in the admin panel. I recently added a new item Category. now, when I go to uncheck some of the boxes I checked in the "item type" page and press submit, it reloads the page as if i made no changes at all. any suggestions?

The problem is with the "two handed weapons" category. There are two specific columns that are being stubborn and that I can't uncheck. Every other column and item category checks and unchecks fine...

Thanks, that will be fixed in the next version. Also, the problem you are having with the item types will be fixed in the next version as well. Kudos on finding those two bugs

04-18-03 at 10:04 PM Koutaru said this in Post #1499
Hmm I was thinking toward they can carry up to 10 items out of any categlory XD Can I do that? I'm a newbie in php but I'm sure if someone tells me what to look for to change, I'll figure it out
I believe you want users to have an inventory, correct? If so, then this is not possible. The original itemshop was designed so that users could only have one item per category.

04-18-03 at 11:22 PM Zalastri said this in Post #1500
First off.. This is one hell of a hack. Good work. My members love it... hell.. my board is based on this hack now. I run a small RP community and this was a hell of a gift. Now then...

The whole user field/points system is a little wacky. You should make the VBhacker.php make a SET variable for money. Cauase for a while I had it displaying usernames as money >.>
Was it displaying usernames or RPG Names? If it was displaying RPG Names, then this means that in the Itemshop Options Menu in the admin CP the Points Field value was not correct. You should have adjusted this to the correct field # by doing the following procedure:

1. Go to your admin panel
2. Go to modify user profile fields
3. Find the Points profile field
4. Right click over the edit link and go to copy shortcut
6. Copy it in your browser
7. Near the end there will be a number. Remember that number
8. Go to edit the itemshop options
9. In the Points Field option put in field# and replace the # with the number you recorded in step 7.

04-18-03 at 11:22 PM Zalastri said this in Post #1500
Can you give me the code for your postbit that you had on that screenie?
All of the code is located in the RPG Admin Manual.

04-18-03 at 11:22 PM Zalastri said this in Post #1500
For some reason my forum is very sluggish.. do you happen to have a database speedup php app?
Unfortunately, I do not. There may be some people who can help you at though.

04-18-03 at 11:22 PM Zalastri said this in Post #1500
Users should be able to have a whole inventory.. Not just one item. And you should make it so that on the home page you can just put something like $rpgnav and have a table with all the required RPG links on it.
Although letting people add a variable such as $rpgnav would make it easier to start off with, I think most people would rather do the header themselves. This hack is already fairly standardized across forums so letting people do their own header makes the hack more forum-specific.

04-18-03 at 11:22 PM Zalastri said this in Post #1500
Weapons should have spells that can sometimes cast.. Like poision effects.
The current battle format is not properly designed to handle status modifiers.

04-18-03 at 11:22 PM Zalastri said this in Post #1500
Random encounters... Like.. If you view a post once out of every 70 tiems you get into a random battle with a wolf or something Happy coding and good job.
The PVM idea has been suggested before and discussed quite a bit. Feel free to do a search on this thread to read more about it.

04-18-03 at 11:27 PM SavgeDusk said this in Post #1501
For reference I'm writing again what I wrote a while ago (sorry I wasn't around to answer your question. x_x

This is what I wrote:
I've got a quick question.
I have a forum called "Records" to keep all the battles played. But I was notified today that some of the battle records are out of order in the gameplay. For example, in the middle of the thread it would say
"[Attack executed]
[Name] died!"
And the next line in the thread would be another attack, and so on. So, the death/end of that battle was not in the right place. And possibly other attacks too.
How can this be fixed? Because I like having this forum there for reference in strategies about how to defeat high-stat members and whatnot.

And this is what you wrote back:
Can you verify that the 'lastactive' column in the `battle` table of your database has an integer value for all of the battles? If so, can you give me some of the values in the lastactive column?

Now my response. -- I'm pretty new to the whole database scene, so I don't know what you mean by "has an integer value for all of the battles". ^^;; Can you please explain what I need to show you in very simple terms? ^^;; Very sorry.
Everyone was new at one time Try this:
In phpmyadmin, click on your database name. From there, click on the table called `battle`. At the next screen, click "Browse". If the Browse link is not active, then create a battle and try again. Once browsing, look for the column called 'lastactive'. Tell me the values in that column for each row in the table.

04-18-03 at 11:27 PM SavgeDusk said this in Post #1501
Also, I was wondering.. Is the only cause for any setting being reduced be changing its values in the AdminCP? Like, say I change a class's Reg. Attack, would that be the only cause for it to go down when a user with that effected class updates their stats?
Because some members are switching to another skin and their HP and EXP or something, go down. -- And it looks like every time a thread or post is deleted, their settings are effected. I don't know what to tell them. =/
If you do drastic changes to the classes/races/etc. and you want to have the effects applied right away, then you can go to the Mass Experience menu in the admin CP and do option #5. This will update all user's stats for you. Once you have done this, you can make an announcement stating the changes.

04-18-03 at 11:27 PM SavgeDusk said this in Post #1501
I don't even know how EXP is gained. x_x; I thought it was by posting, but the only way I see is through battling.
To see how experience is gained, go to the Battle Options Menu and lok under the Experience Options heading.

04-18-03 at 11:27 PM SavgeDusk said this in Post #1501
And I know this is super annoying by now, but do you think it would be possible to add in or modify the "visible" thing to only Admin. Or add in an option like that for classes? Because I'd really like to have a special one for only Admin, and not have it accessible for Moderators. -- Instead of it being for Mod and Admin, can it be only for Admin? ^^;;
Thinking about it.

04-18-03 at 11:27 PM SavgeDusk said this in Post #1501
One more last question (sorry), how hard would it be to code in a "Clan" option? So that you can set it to add in specific members, so that regular members can't just add in themselves. Thanks!
It might be easy and it might be hard. I would suggest trying out the clan hack that was recently posted in the Beta forum.

Today at 03:52 PM lioncool1589 said this in Post #1502
how do i disable retreat battle damn those ppl on my forum using that glitch to get mucho money
In battlefight.php, find:
PHP Code:
$retreat .= "<INPUT TYPE=\"RADIO\" NAME=\"charaction\" VALUE=\"retreat\">Retreat<BR>"
And change it to:
PHP Code:
//$retreat .= "<INPUT TYPE=\"RADIO\" NAME=\"charaction\" VALUE=\"retreat\">Retreat<BR>"; 
Today at 06:42 PM Moreliator said this in Post #1503
Bitsy - an update on the item type page in CPANEL:

I'm still having problems. It appears that two columns are mimicing other ones. For example, I have a fire and water category that give me trouble. Whenever I check an item to be available in the fire category, I hit update and when the page reloads it has it checkmarked on both the fire AND water columns! If I try to uncheck the moves from the water category, then press update, they just come right back after page reloads.

I can still uncheck the moves off the fire column. Once I do this, THEN I can also uncheck them from the water column and it works. HOWEVER.... as soon as I check them back on the fire column they come back checked on the water column too! please help.

BTW, I find it quite fascinating the the columns giving me trouble seem related:

For example, for me, the Category Column with the ID of 3 is always mimicing Category 13's check boxes, while the ID of column 2 is alwats mimicing Category 12's check boxes... is there a way to change the ID value...could this be the problem?

EDIT yep, that seems to be the problem. I tried deleting category 13, then adding a new category. It gave teh new category an ID of 17... and I bet you guessed it... The column representing category 7 now mimics every checkmark I place in the column representing category 17!!!! I would appreciate any help you can give. And now that I look closely, it appears that every category that has a counterpart in the teens is having this problem.


Thanks, that was exactly the information I needed to find the bug. It will be fixed in the next version.
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