Bitsy - an update on the item type page in CPANEL:
I'm still having problems. It appears that two columns are mimicing other ones. For example, I have a fire and water category that give me trouble. Whenever I check an item to be available in the fire category, I hit update and when the page reloads it has it checkmarked on both the fire AND water columns! If I try to uncheck the moves from the water category, then press update, they just come right back after page reloads.
I can still uncheck the moves off the fire column. Once I do this, THEN I can also uncheck them from the water column and it works. HOWEVER.... as soon as I check them back on the fire column they come back checked on the water column too! please help.
BTW, I find it quite fascinating the the columns giving me trouble seem related:
For example, for me, the Category Column with the ID of 3 is always mimicing Category 13's check boxes, while the ID of column 2 is alwats mimicing Category 12's check boxes... is there a way to change the ID value...could this be the problem?
EDIT yep, that seems to be the problem. I tried deleting category 13, then adding a new category. It gave teh new category an ID of 17... and I bet you guessed it... The column representing category 7 now mimics every checkmark I place in the column representing category 17!!!! I would appreciate any help you can give. And now that I look closely, it appears that every category that has a counterpart in the teens is having this problem.