I know you said to ask in the Hack Requests forum, but I don't seem the point. ^^;; I have a quick suggestion.

Could it be possible to make it so members can be on more than 1 clan? I think this would be great. And my members were wondering the same.
Also, how about clan alliances? Like, the leader of the clan can input names or passwords of the clans they're allied with in their profile or someting. And it would appear in their postbit as well as in the showclans.php page. Looking something like..
= postbit =
Clan: Clan Name[1], Clan Name[2] (if in more than one)
Clan Allies: Clan Name[1], Clan Name[2]

But for Clan Allies, it would only show on the Leader's post bit. For regular members, just what Clans they're in.
And maybe in the leader's postbit, it would say if they're the leader or not.
= showclans.php =
Clan Name Leader Clan Allies Contact
Sorry if this is a lot of trouble, but just thought I'd ask before I forgot. This would be really neat and be put into good use on my boards. -- If I knew how to code it, I would.