Alien - I just took a look at Teck's "article source" hack and it doesn't look like it would be too hard to implement it with mYvBindex. The only difference would be the modifications to the news part in your index.php file, and if you're at least a little fluent with PHP, then it shouldn't be too hard to figure out. If you have problems getting it to work though let me know and I'll post what the changes would be.
MuSuL - Glad to hear it's working right.
KelteN - That would have to be a problem with another hack you've installed as this script wouldn't affect any of the files you use to update your counters. I'd recommend uploading a fresh admin/misc.php file and see if that helps. If not, my next best guess would be it's something in your admin/functions.php file (that's just a guess though.
