This is about the most time consumeing hack I have
installed to date and yet so easy.
I was missing.
eval("standardredirect(\"".gettemplate("redirect_u pdatethanks")."\",\"usercp.php ?s=$session[sessionhash]\");");
Due to my own mistake and also in admin/user.php
there is 2 lines with.
makeyesnocode("Use email notification by default","emailnotification",$user[emailnotification]);
And also I have the vb members photo hack installed
and had problems with cpnav[8] I had to rename this
to cpnav[10] in all the file mods and template mods.
That did throw me off a little, but other than that the
hack works well. If I could recommend some any
thing it would be some cosmetic template changes
and also some buttons that will format the txt a wysiwyg
editer or something to that affect.
Here is s screen shot of a users page with the
cosmetic template changes.