Today at 04:12 AM Jakor Sevel said this in Post #1
does anyone know how I could get someone in trouble with the England governments for hacking? He's repeatedly admitted to atempting to hack two MBs I run, as well as threatened to tear them down several times. He's also hacked into several members accounts and caused many problems. He's been a thorn in my side for over 6 months and I'm sick and tired of having to deal with his threats every month so if anyone knows, please help. If anyone knows what kind of proof I'd need, where I would report it to, and the possible punishments he would be delt, it would all be much appreciated. Thank you.
It's illegal to hack into another person's computer or site without permission.
You can basically call his local police and tell them what is happening - print out proof that this is true. They should then approach him. Also do the same with his ISP. Threaten them with a lawsuit for damages if they don't do anything. The thing is that he is under his local UK laws, so you need to approach UK authorities with it.