For reference I'm writing again what I wrote a while ago (sorry I wasn't around to answer your question. x_x
This is what I wrote:
I've got a quick question.
I have a forum called "Records" to keep all the battles played. But I was notified today that some of the battle records are out of order in the gameplay. For example, in the middle of the thread it would say
"[Attack executed]
[Name] died!"
And the next line in the thread would be another attack, and so on. So, the death/end of that battle was not in the right place. And possibly other attacks too.
How can this be fixed? Because I like having this forum there for reference in strategies about how to defeat high-stat members and whatnot.
And this is what you wrote back:
Can you verify that the 'lastactive' column in the `battle` table of your database has an integer value for all of the battles? If so, can you give me some of the values in the lastactive column?
Now my response. -- I'm pretty new to the whole database scene, so I don't know what you mean by "has an integer value for all of the battles". ^^;; Can you please explain what I need to show you in very simple terms? ^^;; Very sorry.
Also, I was wondering.. Is the only cause for any setting being reduced be changing its values in the AdminCP? Like, say I change a class's Reg. Attack, would that be the
only cause for it to go down when a user with that effected class updates their stats?
Because some members are switching to another skin and their HP and EXP or something, go down. -- And it looks like every time a thread or post is deleted, their settings are effected. I don't know what to tell them. =/
I don't even know how EXP is gained. x_x; I thought it was by posting, but the only way I see is through battling.
And I know this is super annoying by now, but do you think it would be possible to add in or modify the "visible" thing to only Admin. Or add in an option like that for classes? Because I'd really like to have a special one for only Admin, and not have it accessible for Moderators. -- Instead of it being for Mod and Admin, can it be only for Admin? ^^;;
One more last question (sorry), how hard would it be to code in a "Clan" option? So that you can set it to add in specific members, so that regular members can't just add in themselves. Thanks!