Today at 02:08 PM KuraFire said this in Post #58
The var "$signaturechecked" doesn't get made in showthread.php. To do so, look in newthread.php or newreply.php, search the file for $signaturechecked, then copy the bit of code that creates the var and put it in showthread.php just before the piece where the quickreply box stuff is made.
I've edited the showthread.php
urm, I copied:
PHP Code:
and put it below:
PHP Code:
$emailchecked = ($bbuserinfo['emailnotification']==1) ? "checked" : "";
So now it looks like
PHP Code:
$emailchecked = ($bbuserinfo['emailnotification']==1) ? "checked" : "";
$textareacols = gettextareawidth();
eval("\$replybox = \"".gettemplate('showthread_replybox')."\";");
But it still does not tick the Signature box nor add the signature.
Did I do it right? If not, where did I go wrong.