How do I get the Signature tickbox to stay ticked for those that use signatures? because at the moment its not being ticked by default.
If users use the normal reply buttons, it puts thier sigs in, but if they use the quick reply box, without ticking anything, its not putting their sigs in, but if they tick the Sig box, it does.
I've looked at the code, and it says this: (which I thought was the default tick, but its not)
PHP Code:
<p><smallfont><input type="checkbox" name="signature" value="yes" $signaturechecked> <b>Signature</b><br />
<input type="checkbox" name="email" value="yes" $emailchecked> <b>E-mail notification</b>
As you can see the 'yes' is there for both the sig and email values, now on the showreply...quick reply box, email is ticked which is brill, but signature isnt...
Is there a way to fix this?