It looks VERY impressing indeed! As a matter of fact one of the most promising hacks that has been released for sometime.
I wish you could make a comparison before and after applying the hack. For instance if you use Teck's microstats hack, it shows searching performance quite good enough. The bottleneck in the default vb searching pushs badly when:
a) you have a big post database.
b) user searches a few common words at the same time. (For instance you have a DVD forum and user searches word "DVD AND MOVIE")
c) User uses wildcard in this search. eg. "dvd* AND movie*"
This search really kills the server in default vb search algorithm even if you are on dedicated. I have experienced searching taking upto 10-15 seconds in such searches in some large boards and when they have a few of such searches, the server gets on to its knees.
It would be terrific to learn the stats for such searches before and after you applied the hack. I really wonder how much it enhances the server load issue.
The 'post' table will increase in size by about 35%
This is nothing to worry about! Tables "search" and "searchindex" has always larger than table "post" so when you get rid of them altogether, you'll still save 65% more space in the server even if you have 35% loss in post table.
Since these 3 tables are the largest tables in your database, %65 more space for them means more than %50 gain in your MYSQL space (thus server space) which is incredible!