to me....
this all sounds like..
This all sounds like high-end Corporate Propaganda, that umm... only a group of people who have alot of money would support.. I think you are all, uhh, really under-estimating the Open Source... community, and think that just because a group of developers aren't being paid for something, that they're not going to care about the quality of their work.
But umm, yeah, Invision is up there with VBulletin, but unfortuantenly lacks a few of the key components that make VB the best forum software out there.
I'm not sure about the quality of the code out there, VB3's design doesn't look too good right now, and it all just seems sort of cluttered.
But yeah, If invision were a commercial board, I would take VBulletin over it. if I were to ever run out of money, I would either ask someone to buy me VBulletin, or else I would go with Invision.
Those are my 2 cents. Please don't flame me.