Today at 05:01 AM Bitsys said this in Post #1476
Ok, I think I figured out what happened. You say that the user went from level 1 to level 2. The formula affecting MA and PP multiplies the Level by the user's time on the boards. Therefore, when the level jumped to twice as much as it was before, it also made the MA/PP jump by more than twice since the user's get more than 1 MA/PP per level.
This theory should only work for low levels. Can you tell me if this happens with people who are at higher levels? There should be a diminishing return based on how high the user's level is.
That makes sense... I recently installed it on a board where I have members who have been registered over 2 years... even though I have the MA and PP to only raise about two each level, it goes to 950/950 after one level up. I shut it down after that, so I don't know about higher levels. Is there anyway to alter the formula so the stats won't jump so much? Will it self fix itself after a few levels?