Alien Invasion
I wassnt suppose to add any of my modifyed games here (cuz they all sucks) but i changed my mind, so here is the first of 3 i have modifyed. In the zip you will get:
modifyed game
thumb pic
king icon
readme file
In the readme file you will see both a manual install and a Query for those of you who have problems to install the games manual.
Special note about this game:
like i sad before, the games i have modify sucks and you can ONLY get 30 points in this one, after that you have saved the earth and the game end.
anyway, i'm adding it so people can use it if they want

have fun! and i'm adding the other 2 games i (Spinal) have modify after i'm done with the Query of them (the rest is already done)
1 person d/l this game before i noticed a small error in the Query, this has now been fixed but that person who d/l it migh wanna d/l it again. I also noticed that i gave wrong credits in Pigy Trap, that has also been fixed now and 1 person had d/l that one too before i noticed (and fixed) it