04-10-03 at 04:12 PM bitg said this in Post #1421
Interesting problem. It seems when somebody logs into my board and modifies their profile. They select their race, element, alignment, and gender, but it goves them nothing to choose from on the "class" list. However, if an Administrator logs in, he can select anything he wants. The is the same if the user is a "registered", "moderator" or whatever. Only an "Administrator' can select a class.
What am I missing?
Are all of your classes set to visible or not visible?
04-10-03 at 04:19 PM Oricon said this in Post #1422
Yes 2 places in the profile part of the usercp I'm using 2.3.0.....
so there are 2 sets of classes etc etc
Go to your modifyprofile template and delete the top-most duplicates.
04-10-03 at 05:10 PM bitg said this in Post #1424
Question: When adding classes, how does the system know what image to display for the class I enter. I saw noplace to include an image filename like I did when adding battle fields. This question also applies the the "add/edit elements" section as well.
There is a column called "folder". Place the icon information in there. Mine says things like: mclasses/archerm, mclasses/archmagem, etc. No file extension is needed, since it must be a .gif.
04-10-03 at 05:12 PM bitg said this in Post #1425
Also, Can somebody please give me a screenshot of the Add a class area (one that has been filled out already) so I know I am doing it right? Also, one for the "Edit Alignment" area as well?
See the attached file.
Yesterday at 02:55 AM lioncool1589 said this in Post #1432
for sure bitsys i already double check come to my forum try battle you will see it
Are you sure this is the case? The battle should take money out of the user's bank account first, then it should take it out of their pocket. The winner's money is then deposited in their bank accounts. Make sure you are checking the bank account and not just the user's pocket. I just tested this and it worked for me.
Ok, I will be checking on it in a little bit.
Yesterday at 06:02 PM Moreliator said this in Post #1441
Also, Bitsy, is there a way to have assign unique characters? Like lets say I only want to make a certain character available for a special member...is that possible?
That is not currently possible.
Yesterday at 07:21 PM kaotic said this in Post #1442
I've run into a few problems lately, so I've decided to uninstall it until it's no longer a beta hack. I can do most of this on my own, but I'm sure that I'm going to run into a few problems once I try removing all of the edits in the mysql db. I can remove all of the rpg related tables, but weren't several of the original tables edited? If that's true, then can somebody tell me how to undo those edits? Thanks.
You will have to go into phpmyadmin and delete the columns that were added to the user table and userfield table.
Today at 12:19 AM Sonikku said this in Post #1444
Wow bharvey42, you sure know how to talk to others. -_-;
Um, chriz, if ya don't mind, can I be one of those few? ^_^;; I'm kinda tired of training others using a dumby account. =/ Please? I'd really appreciate it. Unlike others. *points at bharvey42 and runs*
If your gola of "training" people is to give them experience, then you can just do this from the admin cp. Click on the Edit Users link and input their username or userid. Not sure if this is what you were trying to do, so if you already knew this then great!
Today at 05:01 AM Breaker said this in Post #1452
ARGHHHH i can't accept battles, it just tries to load then gets a timeout error, and now i get Timeout 300 as all my item names help me
The timeout 300 error occurs when the item display loop gets stuck infinitely. Which version of the Hack are you using? Does this Timeout 300 occur when you view a battle or when you view a thread?
Today at 07:55 AM Feareffect said this in Post #1453
I get an error:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: getlevel() in /usr/local/psa/home/vhosts/ugn-online.com/httpdocs/ugn/rpgcp.php on line 107
I get it also in itemshop
Open admin/functions.php.
PHP Code:
// ###################### Start getlevel #######################
If you can't find it, then do the following:
In admin/functions.php, find:
PHP Code:
// ###################### Start gettextareawidth #######################
and before it, ADD:
PHP Code:
// ###################### Start getlevel #######################
// This function is for the RPG Integration Hack by Bitsys.
// It calculates the level of a person, given their experience
// and the rate of experience gain. It can return float or int.
function getlevel($experience, $exprate=3, $returnfloat=0) {
if($returnfloat) {
if($experience > 0) {
return pow( log10( $experience), floor( $exprate));
} else {
return 0;
} else {
if($experience > 0) {
return floor( pow( log10( $experience), floor( $exprate))) + 1;
} else {
return 1;
Today at 08:06 AM majin gotenks said this in Post #1454
sorry if this is something i did to screw it up (dont know what though) but check out my screen shot (attached).
its getting the item name from the userid column and the description from the btime column. ive re downloaded the itemshop.php file and uploaded it again but it didnt fix it and ive also been staring at it for a few hours and cant figure out whats wrong. can anyone please help? thanks
Did this occur right after you installed the hack? If not, was it running fine beforehand?