In case you don't feel like reading this entire thread, I'll sum it up for you. This is a hack to exclude autoparsing url's in a single forum....not globally.
Ok, a new interesting, but horrible issue has developed with this hack. My quickreply box ignores this code.
PHP Code:
if (!isset($parseurl)) {
if ($foruminfo[forumid]!=22) {
} else {
$parseurlchecked = '';
I assume it's because of this line in the replybox template:
<input type="hidden" name="parseurl" value="yes">
[edit] Nope, actually, I just tried setting it to no, and it still parsed.
[edit2] But if I remove that line, it stops parsing globally. Hmmmm
Does anyone know how I can edit this to exclude just one of my forums, but not all? Can someone help stop the madness, please?