Looks like you have not edited the php file.
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open forumdisplay.php
$pagenav =
getpagenav($totalthreads,"forumdisplay.php?s=$sess ion[sessionhash]&forumid=$forumid&daysprune=$daysprune&sortorder=$ sortorder&sortfield=$sortfield&perpage=$perpage");
replace it with:
$pagenav = getpagenav($totalthreads,"f$forumid");
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You need to find the php file (forumdisplay.php) and edit it according to my original post. You can put "//" without the quote in front of that line to comment out the old code and add the line of new code next line to it.
I will try to come back to this forum soon to see if you have fixed it. Thanks but no, I will not accept payment for something like this.