Today at 01:52 PM Blindchild02 said this in Post #58
.jpg's dont work for me either :'(
zzed do u have AIM or MSN??
I worked with boutwell and we dicovered that his site is not able to get the length and width dimensions for certain pictures.
The dothumb() function tries to obtain the XY sizes for the picture and if it is not able to do it, it displays the URL for the picture...
This is how you can debug your code:
In functions.php
Look for:
PHP Code:
$img_info = @getimagesize($code);
And replace it with the following:
PHP Code:
$img_info = @getimagesize($code);
echo "$code <br>";
echo "$img_info[0] <br>";
echo "$img_info[1] <br>";
And you will notice that the length and width information show up blank.
If you want to bypass all the drama you can go the easy route and replace the function dothumb() with the following:
PHP Code:
function dothumb($code) {
$code="<a href=\"$code\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"$code\" width=\"80\" height=\"60\" border=\"3\"></a>";
Of course the only drawback with this is that if you try and thumbnail a smilie, it will actually magnify it.
Let me know if this helps...