Well that wasnt so bad!
I have an extra tip for those who are about to upgrade:
1) Download the merge software if you havent already done so.
2) Use the program to compare the 2 ORIGINAL (unhacked versions) eg. 2.2.8 -----> 2.3.0
3) On a note pad jot down the list of files that have changed and the quantity of changes in each.
using my site as an example....
admin/email has 5 changes
admin/index has 11 changes
4) then continue to follow the tut in the first post of the thread and compare the new files with the files from your server.
in my case
admin/email has 5 changes - i have not added any hack to this file
admin/index has 19 changes - i know that i am looking for 7 sections of coding that is used for added hacks.
5) If you cant identify particular coding between the new file and the one from your server then open your editor and load the original file, eg. if i could not figure out code in admin/index I would load that file to my editor ad then again compare the changed lines from the merge program to the original file in your editor.....
I did it this way and so far I have only had I bug found
Hope this helps!