03-28-03 at 10:33 PM NuclioN said this in Post #40
You can convert mp3 to swf with flash (5 or mx). Now, it's not easy to explain how to do this, but i shall try to make a tutorial for it.
You can import a mp3 in flash and then click window/library. After that click with the right mousebutton on your mp3 and choose properties and set this as output:
- compression = mp3
- unmark (do not select) convert stereo to mono
- bitrate = 128 kps
- quality =fast
Now, after you've done this you must doubleclick on the first keyframe on the timeline and a sound editwindow apears. Choose the sound from the display and set this:
- effect = none
- sync = stream
Ok, after this you must stretch the output over the whole timeline untill there is no grafical output visible, so make frames (somethimes 2 to 3000 or more) untill all the output is visible. Remove the empty frames after the last visible output. Your streaming swf file is now ready to export. Export the swf as it is, so don't make changes in the output.
Upload this swf file to your server and listen to it in your forum (html enabled or you must have the swf vb code tags installed) with this code:
<embed width="0" height="0" src="http://www.yourserver.com/yourfile.swf">
Or when you have the swf vb code installed:
{SWF=http://www.yourserver.com/yourfile.swf} width="0" height="0"{/SWF}
Remember the { tags must be replaced with [ to let that work.
Screendump flashsettings:
I'm not understanding. Is this a way to integrate .swf's with the jukebox or just for stand alone playing? If it is to work with the jukebox could you explain where to place the tags? thanks