Yesterday at 08:14 AM noppid said this in Post #4
The hack is written in PHP, embedded in vB, and works flawlessly to automatically add users to a perldesk user database upon registration to the associated vB forum. :bunny:
Let me be a little clearer...
Just because the perdesk app is written in cgi does not mean we have to access the perdesk MySQL database from cgi too, we can use php and do in this hack!
Once installed the code runs seemlessly with vBulletin during the registration and activation processes. If in the event a user registers for vBulletin and there is already such a user in the perldesk users database, the techadmin of the vbulletin site will be notified to add this user by hand. This is likely to happen on sites that have user lists built already. For sites that may be starting from scratch, since vbulletin won't allow this to happen, it won't occur on the perldesk database either.
Todays testing has presented us with the opportunity to make the code seem very reliable. We need a second opinion now.
Any takers???
Yo dude...mellow out! All I was saying is that this forum is mostly PHP based and you will find very little help here based on PerlDesk being a cgi product as well as a paid product....