Today at 01:23 PM djr said this in Post #24
Installed and works beautifully! I have two questions:- is there a specific reason to use javacript:redirect_to instead of a plain href in the assistant? (i changed mine to vanilla href's because otherwise nothing would happen if you've got just the assistent open)
- is there a way to keep the different menu items collapsed after a refresh?
The reason i used javascript
:redirect is so it doesn't go to that page from the vb Assistant, it will use another broswer window to go to that page, if you remove it it will use the same window as vB Assistant.
As for keeping the menu's closed after a refresh, it's possible, but it would require a cookie possibly.
@pugmy: Keeping vB Assistant on top of all windows can be annoying for some users, as you already mentioned.
I will try to make it easier for people with more than one style.