Intex - Well there's not
that many global variables that would work simply by putting the variable in the template. The best thing I could suggest if you wanted to try adding a few things yourself would be to just search the file for the variable and try to figure out from there what needs to be added to the myvbindex file to make it work. That's pretty much how I started out learning PHP, vBulletin, and that's pretty much how I made the first version of this script (and it's definitely come a long way since then

). Oh, and here's a link to a post where I explained to someone how to add the forumjump to their homepage -
Yuber - Sorry, I was thinking of just the left column. If you look in the index template, right below where the $newsbits part is, you'll see another table cell that has a width of 170. Just change that to what you would like the width to be and that will affect everything in the right column.