Nope, not what I meant. Sorry if I wasn't clear. Let me give more detail.
Under the 'Forums and Moderators' admin section, there is the 'Modify' link, which let's you modify forum properties, order, etc. This listing is in a heirarchical format, showing which sub-forums are underneath which other ones. This is great.
However, if you go to the 'Users' admin section, and do 'Find', and then 'Find All Users', and then click on 'edit access masks' for a particular user, you'll find that the listing of forums is completely flat! It doesn't indicate organization at all (heirarchy) ... just the order in which they were created.
Is there a hack out there that lists them in heirarchical order?
Maybe I'll just poke around in there and redo the code myself. A worthwhile hack, I'd think. That is mostly why I was checking first. It seemed like a common enough thing that someone would have done this already.
- ZJ