Another error! In the member.php
Near line 632 [585] find these lines:
if ($showbirthdays)
// insert custom user fields
$DB_site->query("UPDATE userfield SET userid=$bbuserinfo[userid]$userfields WHERE userid=$bbuserinfo[userid]");
After the above lines add the following:
///////// PN Integration Hack Start: ///////////////
//`Update PN user database for Bio, Location, Interests and Occupation
$DB_site->query("UPDATE pndb.nuke_users SET pn_bio='$userbio',pn_user_from='$userloc',pn_user_intrest='$userintrest',pn_user_occ='$userocc' WHERE pn_uid='$bbuserinfo[userid]'");
///////// PN Integration Hack End: ///////////////
The change is the last line. WHERE pn_uid='$userid' is to be WHERE pn_uid='$bbuserinfo[userid]'
Updating the ZIP file!