>>how did you manage to get the [Click to view the attached image]?
That's part of a much bigger set of features on OG. I don't use the attachment code, it was replaced with special image uploaders and image templates. I already have separate templates in use when images are loaded in a post so it will be a whole different story if you're using the standard vB code.
>>I also don't really understand how to breadcrumb the archive navbar properly.
PHP Code:
// ###################### Start archive_navbar
function archive_navbar( $id , $idtype='forum' , $highlightlast=1 )
global $bbtitle,$bburl,$navbits,$navbar,$DB_site;
$rawcountusers=$DB_site->query("SELECT DISTINCT userid FROM session WHERE userid<>0 AND lastactivity>$datecut");
$countguests=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT COUNT(host) AS sessions FROM session WHERE userid=0 AND lastactivity>$datecut");
$navbits = archive_nav( $id , $idtype , $highlightlast );
$navbar = '<img src="/edge/images/bcarrow2.gif" border="0"> <a href="' . $bburl . '">Overgrow Marijuana Forums</a> <img src="/edge/images/bcarrow1.gif" border="0"> ' . $navbits;
$navbar.= '<br><div style=\"margin-top:8px;\"> '.$totalonline.' users online now!</div>';
return $navbar;
// ###################### Start archive_nav
function archive_nav( $id , $idtype='forum' , $highlightlast=1 )
global $DB_site,$bburl,$threadcache;
$code = '';
if ( $id != -1 )
if ( $idtype == 'thread' )
if ( !isset( $threadcache["$id"] ) )
$getforumid = $DB_site->query_first("
SELECT forumid
FROM thread
WHERE threadid=$id
$getforumid['forumid'] = $threadcache["$id"]['forumid'];
$code = archive_nav( $getforumid['forumid'] , 'forum' , 1 );
if ( $highlightlast )
$code .= '<a href="'. $bburl . '/forumdisplay.php?forumid=' . $id .'">' . $threadinfo['title'] . '</a>';
$code .= $foruminfo['title'];
$foruminfo = getforuminfo( $id );
if ( $foruminfo['parentid'] != -1 )
$code = archive_nav( $foruminfo['parentid'] , $idtype , 1 );
if ( strlen( $code ) > 0 )
$code .= ' <img src="/edge/images/bcarrow1.gif" border="0"> ';
if ( $highlightlast )
$code .= '<a href="'. $bburl . '/forumdisplay.php?forumid=' . $id .'">' . $foruminfo['title'] . '</a>';
$code .= $foruminfo['title'];
return $code;