I am back with an addon to the addon. This adds on to my version of the hack and not Boofo's. Boofo's is actually a better way to do what I did in the first part, I just didn't get around to changing to his version on my board.
However, this next part requires hacking the PHP files and cannot be done with just templates (Hopefully Boofo will prove me wrong on that one again

What the addon does:
If you add a user field that gives the user's first name, this addon uses that name in the quote if it is set. If it isn't set, then it uses the username.
To install this addon, you need to know how to add a userfield and to figure out the field number. On my board, that field number is 6. However, it may be different on yours. You will need to modify this code accordingly.
I do not recommend this hack for beginners. It requires you to understand how to read code and modify it slightly.
You can use this addon with Boofo's version of the hack. You will just need to read the code to figure out exactly where to put the new lines.
I will enclose a screenshot in the next post.