Today at 04:51 AM Mist said this in Post #2
You want it like a tree... so its almost like a private thread between the two users?
- miSt
No, I just want the look of PMs to look more like a thread as far as the avatar and all the things I have going on under the avater and bring that over to the way PMs look. Like on threads all the profile and edit, etc stuff is on the top, but in the PMs it's on the bottom, because I haven't hacked it. S basically the PM look looks like crap. I just wanted to know if it's possible in copying and pasting code from my postbit where the avatar and the thread message are, into my PM template so that the PMs have the same layout as a thread. For the most part. Not everything like what you were questioning about.
Should I post a pic of each?