I love this hack, but I also use the ban by warning hack. Currently when a user reaches a preset number of warning points, they're moved to the banned by warnings group. What I need is to be able set a usergroup as miserable or not, rather than an individual user.
Users aren't allowed to see the warnings list, so they don't know how many points equals a ban. How would I set it up so that if a user is in the banned group they are miserable, but if not they aren't. I may sometimes unban a user (by moving them out of the banned usergroup) at which time I'd need for them to not be miserable any longer (only while in the banned usergroup).
Anyone know how to put an option in the usergroup section of the admin cp where I could set a certain group as miserable or not, as oposed to an individual user? I'd like to have the option listed when a usergroup is created/edited, much like the group permissions are.
Thanks for any help..