I agree, life is beautiful. And I appreciate it even more after serving my country in the military. But there is not a pacifist alive that can make me believe if they were being shot at and a gun was nearby, that they wouldn't pick it up and use it to defend themselves. It's easy to sit back and SAY what you would do, but another thing to do it when put to the test. I believe I am a better man for all that I've done through, good and bad. And war was just one of those things. I like being free and not having to worry about being shot at in my sleep or standing in line for scraps of food for my kids. And in order to keep my kids and my wife safe and free, I am willing to go to war, if that's what it takes, to keep things like Sept. 11th from happening all over again. Next time, it could be in my neighborhood. Like it or not, as Xenon and I pointed out, war is an act of nature. It is in all of us, at one time or another. The difference is that I'm one of those that is willing to lay it all on the line so my family and yours can hold onto the ideals we have fought to keep for so long. When it comes to my family, my personal ideals have to take a back seat.