Today at 08:18 PM magna said this in Post #7
Where do we input the time to change them back
That is a matter of the way you set up the cron job.
Now, for my subscription system, I have the following script running via a cron job, just so you have another example:
PHP Code:
if ($action=="renew") {
header("Location: [url]https://www.paypal.com/xclick/business=lebeldc%40yahoo.com&item_name=V-Driveboat.com+Insider+Renewal+-+1+year+-+[/url]".$user."&item_number=01005&amount=15.00&no_note=1¤cy_code=USD");
mysql_query("UPDATE user SET usergroupid='2', iexpire='0' WHERE usergroupid='8' AND iexpire < ".time());
$renewusers=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM user WHERE usergroupid='8' AND iexpire < $month");
while ($user=mysql_fetch_array($renewusers)) {
$email.="Your V-Driveboat.com Insider subscription is going to expire in approximately one month. To ensure uninterrupted access, please renew your subscription as soon as possible. You can instantly renew with a credit card by going to the following address:\n\n";
$email.="If you prefer, you are also welcome to mail your $15.00 renewal fee (be sure to include your username) to:\n";
$email.="V-Driveboat.com Insider\n";
$email.="P.O. Box 1576\n";
$email.="Lake Havasu City, AZ 86405-1576\n\n";
$email.="Thank you for your continued support of V-Driveboat.com, the web's first and leading v-drive enthusiast community.\n\n";
$email.="Nick Saunders\n";
mail($user[email],"Your subscription is almost expired",$email,"From: \"V-Driveboat.com Insider\" <insider@v-driveboat.com>");
if ($show=="y") {
echo $month."<br>";
echo stripslashes($user[username])."<br>";
echo "<br>Done.";
Hope that helps.